International Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Cover Date:
September 2010
Print ISSN:

All-ceramic bridges to replace congenitally missing canines

Replacement of a single anterior maxillary tooth is a considerable challenge to the cosmetic dentist due to the combined difficulties of soft tissue management and prosthetic design. The problem is essentially due to lack of hard and soft tissues, leaving unnatural gingival contours. Ridge augmentation is frequently required to return the pontic area to ideal height, width and contour to allow a pontic to appear to emerge from the soft tissues like a natural tooth. Design of the bridge pontic and careful soft tissue management is essential to develop and maintain natural looking papillae and facial gingival tissue. Furthermore, if aesthetics are to be maximised, and the patient’s expectations are to be met, further treatment that considers the principles of smile design in relation to the whole smile must also be considered. In this case, the patient was referred for initial orthodontic treatment to create space at the missing teeth sites 13 and 23. The missing teeth were then replaced using two cantilever Zirconium Oxide bridges in combination with six porcelain laminate veneers to resolve multiple aesthetic issues and create a beautiful and natural-looking smile.

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Articles from this issue

  • Title
  • Pg. Start
  • Pg. End

  1. Editorial - When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality. (Dom Helder Camara)
  2. 0
  3. 0

  1. Implant replacement of failing upper central incisors
  2. 1
  3. 7

  1. Single veneer on a lateral incisor
  2. 8
  3. 12

  1. Two veneers to restore worn central incisors
  2. 14
  3. 17

  1. All ceramic crown and adjacent veneer
  2. 18
  3. 22

  1. Eight indirect restorations to improve shape, colour and proportion Accreditation Case Type 1
  2. 24
  3. 29

  1. A single anterior crown
  2. 30
  3. 34

  1. All-ceramic bridges to replace congenitally missing canines
  2. 36
  3. 42

  1. Two upper anterior crowns
  2. 43
  3. 46

  1. Direct composite restoration of a class IV fracture
  2. 47
  3. 48

  1. Beauty and the beast: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and aesthetic dentistry
  2. 49
  3. 53

  1. KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
  2. 54
  3. 57